Wednesday, July 15, 2009

only two and a half weeks!

till I go on vacation! I'm a little excited about this. We are going on a cruise to Alaska which is something I have always wanted to do the only thing I'm sad about is that the hubby has to stay behind but I'm traveling pretty much for free. not much else going on here we got a kitten who thinks that my feet are delicious and I'm still working on weight loss and we just got the nes today that we are gonna have to change chiropractors =( not happy about that. oh well. not much else going on here just waiting for school to start in the fall toodles.

Monday, June 29, 2009


Hello again i have nothing to say, brain is frizzled talk more later

Monday, April 27, 2009

up to my elbows in dough

and not the green kind although I suppose I could make it green if I wanted to...anyways i'm baking a crap-ton of tasty bread and cultivating some wild yeasts did you know that the commercially available yeast is a single strain (called a monoculture) that is cultivated on a massive scale and that this specific strain of yeast can be traced to the Nile river basin. There's also some hypothesis that some of the wheat sensitive people out there arent really sensitive to the wheat but are sensitive to the commercial strain of yeast.

ye gods I've been busy

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Well hello again intarwebs...

It's been awhile. I have been a busy little bee got lots and lots done. the corset is done, both skirts are done save closures (one box pleated one cartridge pleated) , 2 aprons are done (those are hand sewn) two coifs (one in Linen one in silk) the silk coif is covered in hand couched gold cording and lined to protect the silk and the pieces for my chemise have been torn out and ironed.
I found out that my sister in law had my old households so I need to re-do the skirt pleating and I need a new bodice (luckily I have plenty of exra fabric to do that with) I also need to bind the botton of the household skirt with black cotton and the silk underskirt with brocade I need my new bodice pattern which will be used for a new household bodice a bodice from the blue silk and a bodice outta the brocade (note to self more canvas will be needed) I also need to mock up two sets of sleeves for the brocade and one for the households and I need to source black cotton velveteen for the overgown I'm also considering a doublet bodice for the brocade skirt (I have 17 yards of the stuff and its 60 inches wide). so in a more orderly fashion the things that still need to be done before faire
2 bodices (households and brocade)
bind two skirts (silk and households)
repleat household skirt
sleeves for households
Mockup sleeves for brocade (prolly open sleeves)
Final sleeves for brocade
closures for brocade skirts
More ribbon for bodice lacing

ok so thats all for now from this happy corner of the universe much to do and stuff signing off bye-bye intarwebs

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Still sick, my youngest sister-in-law just left to move to Maine and I'm hungry. Oh well life moves on.
so the plan today is to get the corset cut out of the red canvas so I can start the boning channels I may wait till thursday and take it to my MIL's house so i can use her machine (It's much faster) it feels right on my body so I'm just gonna run with it and we'll see. Anywho not much else going on around here so I'll sign off for now. oh and i finally got piccies of all my prettys I'll post as soon as I can locate my camera's usb cord.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Bad illness is bad

Yup, I woke up this morning and sounded like a dude with a hefty smoking habit, I was all grainy voiced and I think I scared the bunny =P so I have gotten approximately nothing done today on my corset I spent most of the day sleeping and drinking hot things trying to melt the guk that has colonized my vocal cords.
I did however get the patterning done last night so that parts done at least W00T!

that is all

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Pleh! I know it's supposed to help with fabric cutting and all that but I've never enjoyed doing it. Methinks I need an ergonomic ironing board or something cuz my back hates me after I iron.
in other news cotton canvas that's been sloppily folded on a hanger in a closet for three-odd years and then washed and dried on hot does NOT iron easily. I think I have something like 3 and a half yards of canvas so I should have enough for two bodices and a corset.
Now I have to go dig out my bias tape maker and get started on bias strips for my bodice edging and the strips on my overskirt I also need to locate some cheap black fabric (I should have some lying around someplace) to make bias for my households I think I'll also put a black guard on the bottom of my household skirt this time around I also think I'll be needing around 3 yards of white linen for aprons, a coif and some cleaning/polishing cloths for faire
I already have almost everything that I need to start sewing...I do need to borrow the snips from the hubbys parents to round the ends of the cable ties and their tape measure.
I also sent an e-mail to my GM asking her to let me know what we are gonna do about the fabric for the households. hopefully she isn't too busy and can let me know in another couple days.
It's just been rainrainrain here (not that I'm complaining or anything, we REALLY need it) so I haven't been able to take pics of my fabric so as soon as this storm moves out I'll get on that.
ok Me over and out (gotta go pick up the laundry)